October 2024

Find a local pick your own farm here!

Find a pick your own farm near you! This website provides local listings of pick your own (also called U-pick or PYO) farms in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries. There are crop calendars for each local area to tell you what is available to pick throughout the year, local weather forecasts and really easy illustrated directions to show you how to make jam, jelly, salsa, pickles, spaghetti sauce, applesauce, apple butter and 150 other recipes with step-by-step directions to can, freeze, dry or preserve the harvest. I've added general pricing information, the highs and lows for each PYO crop on this page.

NEW: If you want to start your own vegetable plants this year (Home Depot and others are now charging over $5 per plant)
I've got easy, fool-proof directions how to
grow your own vegetable plants for 50 cents per plant.    Also see our Master list of all tomato varieties and our Master List of Heirloom Tomato Varieties

And see this page of detailed info about vegetable seeds: how long to germination, best soil temperature, etc.

Spring: Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!

Please do not copy content from the website and republish it (notice to MommieBloggers; we DO take legal action against plagiarists). But feel free to put links to the pages! We do not charge to use the website; it is free to use; but it IS copyrighted. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

How to find a Pick-Your-Own farm

Whether you call it pick-your-own, PYO or U-pick, it's easy to find one near you! There is a "Start here" button (at the top of the left of every page). You then select your local area (country, state/province) and then region/county or local metropolitan area. Just scroll down the page that appears, to see tree farms, lots or events listed by county. The search engine can be helpful, too. There are hundreds more pages of related resources, like how to store fruit and vegetables

You can also find a related fruit or vegetable festival (like a tomato festival, corn fest, blueberry festival, strawberry festival, an applefest or more) or even an Easter Egg hunt at farms and churches! If you are looking to save money in other ways, see ConsignmentSaleFinder.org to find a children's consignment sale near you. And finally, St. Patrick's Day is this week - find great Irish recipes, parades, history and folklore here.

Click on your state or country below to find pick-your-own farms in your area!

Click here--> For a state map of the U.S.

(Other countries are further down this page)

These are local PYO farms of ALL types of fruit and vegetables. States, by specific crop is here
[ Alabama ] [ Alaska ] [ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ] [ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ] [ Hawaii ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ] [ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri ] [Montana] [Nebraska] [ Nevada ] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New Mexico ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Utah ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington state ] [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ] [ Wyoming ]

(Or to find a farm with a specific crop, see this page)


if you are looking for one specific crop, you will find it faster to just click on the crop you want below and then the state and then area of the state closest to you! Of course, keep in mind that not all areas have all crops.  For example, if you live in Minnesota, there are no u-pick citrus farms (citrus only grow in semi-tropical areas). But, if there is a link below then there is at least one farm in the area with that crop!

Apples (Fall)

Apricots (late Spring)

Aronia berries, a.k.a, Chokecherries

Asparagus (early Spring)

Beans (green beans, Limas, string, etc) (Summer)

Beets (aka, beetroot)  (late Spring - Fall)

Blackberries (late Spring - Fall)

Blueberries (June-July)

Boysenberries (June in south, July in northern and colder areas)

Cantaloupes (August,September)

Cherries (one week in May - June in most areas - a VERY brief season)

Cranberries (Fall)

Citrus (Nov - Feb)

Corn (mid-Summer to early Fall)

Cucumbers (Summer)

Currants (red, black, even other colors)

Eggplant - summer

Eggs (usually most of the year, except maybe during the coldest months)

Elderberries (late summer, Fall)

Figs (late summer to early Fall)

Flowers (Sunflowers and others) (Summer)

Grapes (all grapes and wine grapes) (late summer, early Fall)

Greens - salad greens, greens for steaming, etc.

Haskaps, a.k.a Honeyberries

Herbs - basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, etc.

Lavender - depends on the local climate and variety, usually late Spring through summer

Loganberries - late Spring

Marionberries - June - July

Mayhaws - late summer a rare and unusual southern fruit

Mulberries - late Spring

Nectarines - (Summer)

Olallieberries - June-July

Onions - Spring, Summer

Pawpaws - late summer

Peaches (mid-Summer)

Pears (early Fall) (

Peas (Spring)

Peppers (Summer, Fall)

Persimmons (Fall)

Plums (late Spring)

Raspberries (Summer, Fall)

Rhubarb (Spring)

Summer Squash or
Winter Squash)

Saskatoons (summer)

Strawberries (Spring)

Sunflowers July to frost

Tayberries mid-May to mid June in the South, a month later in the North

Tomatoes (Summer into Fall)

Vegetables (All types) (Spring through Fall)

Watermelons Late summer to early Fall

Zinnias - an annual flower that blooms from June through frost


PYO Farms Outside the U.S.

[Austria ] [ Australia ] [ Australia,by crop ] [Belgium ] [Brazil] [Canada ] [ Canada, by crop ] [China] [Denmark] [France] [Germany ] [Greece] [India] [Ireland] [Italy] [Japan] [Malta] [Malaysia] [Nederland / Holland / the Netherlands] [ New Zealand ] [ New Zealand, by crop ]  [Norway] [Philippines ] [Portugal] [South Africa] [Spain] [Sweden] [Switzerland ]
[ United Kingdom ]

[ Adding a Farm outside of North America ] Looking for pick your own farms in other countries? Living in another country, such as France, Italy (Italia), Germany (Deutschland), Nederlands, or Sweden?

Help me compile a list for your country - just write me!

Crop Availability Calendars / Harvest Dates

Want to find out when your favorite crop will be ready to harvest in your local area? Just go to this page for US states and click on your state, to see the crop calendar for your area! And below are crop harvest calendars we created for other countries, too.

United States - Canada - Argentina - Australia - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - France - Germany - Ireland - Italy - Japan - New Zealand - Philippines - South Africa - United Kingdom - Venezuela

Specialty Crops

If you are looking for a particular crop, see this page to find a list of just farms with that crop in your area.


PYO Apple Orchards:

Apples start in late summer and continue through October. See these pages to find a local pick your own apple orchard!

[ Alabama ] [ Alaska ] [ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ] [ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ] [ Hawaii ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ] [ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri [ Montana ] [ Nebraska ] [ Nevada ] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New Mexico ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Utah ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington State [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ] [ Wyoming ]

Apple Orchards with pumpkins:

See these pages to find a local pick your own apple orchard that also has pumpkins!

[ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ] [ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Georgia ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Maine ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri ] [ Montana ] [ Nebraska ] [ Nevada ] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington ] [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ]

Apple Orchards Master List

PYO Blueberry Orchards

Click on the links below for PYO blueberry farms in a given state. Note, however, that not all states or areas have commercial U-Pick blueberry orchards. Hawaii, for example has none.

[ Alabama ] [ Alaska ] [ Arkansas ] [ California ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ] [ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri ] [ Montana] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington ] [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ]

Miscellaneous Fun and Resources


Farm Hay bale art

Our listings come from a variety of sources: consumers writing in to recommend a farm, the farmer's themselves and state agriculture departments. We update and add listings every day. Of course, we're always looking for more to add, so we welcome your recommendations! Customers can recommend a farm here and farmers can add (or update/correct) their own farm's listing by clicking here! And journalists looking for information for a story about pick-your-own farms or home canning should see this media resources page for more information.

Want to start your own seedlings and save a fortune? See this page to learn how to save 95% off the cost of starting your own vegetable and flower plants.

Using artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes in place of sugar

Preppers will find this page of home food preservation for preppers useful!

Farmers and gardeners are seeing more invasive pest species like the Asian Murder Hornet and the Asian Jumping Worm.

New pages, and new topics

Related environmental issues and news

Are ocean wind farms killing whales?

Looking to smoke up some baby back ribs? I've been doing it for decades and have to a 10 step process that turns out perfect every single time. See this page How to Smoke Baby Back Ribs.

Or see this page to smoke a turkey!

Meccano Erector - The Super Construction Set Manual

Updates by Email, RSS or Text on Twitter

I also post crop updates, trends, tips and commentary via Twitter . Just go to http://twitter.com/home and if you haven't got an account, sign up (they're free), then search for Blakepyo. I tend to send out only one or two per week, so it shouldn't be too much!

You can sign up for our RSS feed here! Pick your own farms RSS feed

Picking Tips

[General picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable] [How much do I need to pick? (Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or frozen)] [Selecting the right varieties to pick] [All about apple varieties - which to pick and why!] [Picking tips for Vegetables] [ Strawberry picking tips] [ Blueberries picking tips]

Picking apples is easy, even for a toddler

Illustrated Canning, Freezing, Jam Instructions and Recipes

[ All About Home Canning, Freezing and Making Jams, Pickles, Sauces, etc. ] [FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems]  [Recommended books about home canning, jam making, drying and preserving!] [Free canning publications to download and print]

Easy Preserving Directions - How to...
(see the complete list here)

Resources for Farmers

Other Information

Questions, corrections, suggestions or want to recommend a farm to add? Write me at

Farmers - to add your farm, see this page for directions: /addmyfarm.htm

Curious about the guy behind the website? See About me.

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With very few exceptions, the banner ads are supplied by an outside company (their name appears in the banner "Ads by ..." I have NO advance control over what appears in these ads. It is completely controlled by the outside company. If you see an inappropriate or offensive ad - don't get mad at me; just email me and be sure to give me the name of the advertiser in the ad and their url. Then I can go back to the outside ad company and have them banned! For more information see:


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